(EU)projects and initiatives

Embracing Collaborative Innovation: Our Company's Journey into EU Projects and Initiatives

In an era where global challenges require united efforts and innovative solutions, our company is proud to announce its pivotal step towards collaboration and impact on a broad scale. By joining (EU) projects and initiatives, we are embarking on a journey that not only expands our horizons but also underscores our commitment to driving positive change.
As we become an active participant in EU projects and initiatives, we are not only gaining access to a diverse pool of expertise but also contributing our unique insights and capabilities to the collective effort.

Linge Agroconsultancy participates in the project ‘novIGRain’

All over the world, initiatives are emerging to respond favourably to the various issues regarding food safety and global warming at different levels. In particular, the European Commission is funding projects under the Green Deal framework and in particular their Farm to Fork strategy – for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system. Within these initiatives, novIGrain has received financial support from the Commission (H2020 Project) in order to provide a positive response to the challenge of grain storage management and the use of grain protectant. Linge is lead consultant for the preparation of a dossier for the approval of an active substance for the use in stored grain.

novIGRain social media

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