We keep track of new developments
We guide you through the jungle of registration of adjuvants for plant protection products in Europe.
Uptake and effectiveness of the active substances in pesticides can be improved by adjuvants and synergists. Registration of adjuvants for plant protection products in Europe falls within the scope of the Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. Currently no specific requirements (including data requirements, notification, evaluation, assessment and decision making procedures) for the authorisation of adjuvants have been set at EU level.
Article 58 of the Regulation on Plant Protection Products 1107/2009 includes the obligation to authorise an adjuvant before it can be placed on the market in Europe. The requirements for the authorisation of adjuvants is set by each Member State individually in their national legislation until a European procedure has been established (Article 81 clause 3, Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009). In Annex III of 1107/2009 all co-formulants are listed which, as referred to in Article 27 of the Regulation, will not be accepted as ingredients in plant protection products.
Consequently, to register an adjuvant in Europe, knowledge of national legislation guidelines and fee policy as well as experience in assembly of all required documents and data are required.

- We provide comprehensive information on national legislation of the individual member states
- We identify data gaps
- We compile the required documents and files
- We submit your application
- We communicate with the authorities