We accept the challenge


Linge Agroconsultancy offers you full service in registration of biocides in Europe.

By using our extensive expertise as well as our wide network of contacts at governments, contact laboratories, institutes and universities we ensure a smooth registration process for your biocides.
We assist in national registrations according to national transitional laws for products based on existing active substances not yet approved, or guide you through the registration process of the Biocidal Product Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 for products based on substances which have already been approved.
Do you have a new active substance or formulation or should your product be renewed?
We will assist you in developing the dossier and provide post-submission support.
We stay informed on new developments, data requirements and assessment methods like comparative assessment and endocrine disrupting properties of co-formulants.
In addition, we were co-author of the report: "Background study for the assessment of the appropriateness and impact of the existing fee model for the Biocidal Products Regulation and its possible revision" with Ecorys for the European Commission.

Our multidisciplinary team with biologists, chemists, efficacy experts and registration specialists approaches the full spectrum of your project. When needed, we contact authorities for advice or discussion.
We serve you with an up-to-date advice following the most recent ECHA guidances.

Advice and dossier preparation

We can serve you with advice how to set up your dossier, to make an overview of studies to be performed, where to perform your studies, timelines and expected costs connected with the studies. Taking into account your claimed uses and the necessary studies, we can prepare your dossiers containing the required risk assessments in national formats for products based on substance not yet approved or in a harmonised Product Assessment Report (PAR) for products based on EU approved substances according to Regulation (EU) No 528/2012.


We can prepare the Summary of Product Characteristics (‘Instructions for Use’) for your product application according to the harmonised SPC format.


Our consultancy is experienced in the preparation in the required dossier format for BPR applications: IUCLID 6.


Linge Agroconsultancy provides registration dossiers ready for submission in the required formats of R4BP. If required, we may also assist you to submit your dossier.

Need help with other products or active substances?