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Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecotoxicology and Risk Management

Meet our experienced regulatory expert, Monika Roher.
The focus of this event will be to discuss the latest regulatory developments in Aquatic and Terrestrial ecotoxicology and risk management..
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M. Roher MSc (Monika)

Registration specialist


Monika Roher graduated with magna cum laude MSc in Phytomedicine at Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb. She is experienced in molecular mechanisms of plant disease control and in scientific literature evaluations. She has experience in scientific research since 2016. She is working at Linge Agroconsultancy from January 2020 and is involved in active substance renewal projects as well as in projects on registration and approval of plant protection products. She has knowledge on environmental modelling, risk analyses, dossier preparations and post-submission activities. She is a certified ToxRat specialist with experience in evaluation of OECD and non-OECD ecotox studies and statistical assessments. As a part of her master’s thesis she did research on the effects of plant extracts on plant and thrips at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna. As an intern, she was involved in research on biological control of Western flower thrips at Wageningen University and Research. Monika speaks Croatian as mother tongue and is fluent in English.