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Meet us at AGRO Conference 2024

Meet our experienced regulatory expert Sef van Aken at AGRO Conference 2024.
The focus of this event will be on the Behaviour of Pesticides in Air, Soil and Water.
Read more about the meeting.

S. van Aken MSc (Sef)

Registration specialist


Sef van Aken is a consultant and expert with over 10 years of professional experience in regulatory affairs and consultancy. He holds an MSc in Biology. He is experienced in modelling, risk analyses, evaluation of Human Toxicology, Environmental Fate and Ecotoxicology studies, dossier preparations and post-submission activities on national and European level. He performs evaluations as a scientific assessor Ecotoxicology for the Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb) in the Netherlands. He carried out many projects on registration and approval of plant protection products and substances (also low risk) for both government and trade and industry. He is a certified ToxRat specialist with extensive experience in evaluation of OECD and non-OECD ecotox studies and statistical assessments. Prior to working at Linge Agroconsultancy, he was research employee at a Dutch research organisation specialised in crop protection in agriculture and horticulture. Sef speaks Dutch as mother tongue and is fluent in English.
06-07 th of June 2024

Plant protection products (PPP) are strictly regulated within the European Union. The risk management and environmental assessment of PPPs, essential to produce compliant products, poses challenges across the entire plant protection industry.

The conference brings together representatives from regulatory and industry backgrounds, as well as political decision-makers to discuss the latest regulatory developments. It keeps track of scientific progress, advances in environmental fate and exposure as well as recent developments in risk assessment and risk mitigation.

A special highlight will be an excursion to the Forschungszentrum Jülich, where you have the chance to learn about state-of-the-art digital technologies for sustainable crop production.